Falcon Security & Alarm Systems
Falcon Security has proudly been part of the Brockville Community since 1979. We have provided innovative security solutions to homeowners and businesses in the Leeds-Grenville & 1000 Islands region for over 40 years. We continue to be the area’s leading security provider.
As you may remember in 2007 Falcon Security joined Alarm Systems, another industry leader in home and commercial security in Eastern Ontario. We have been a division of Alarm Systems ever since but remain locally focused.
Alarm Systems, with their head office in Belleville, have always shared Falcon’s community focus including supporting local businesses, hiring local, and working with community organizations, for instance, Cycling without Age Brockville. For over a decade our clients have benefited from Alarm Systems’ expertise and experience in our industry.
In the coming months, you may notice a change in our branding. We are excited to update our logo to better reflect our relationship with Alarm Systems. The transition to a new logo will not change anything about the quality of service or the commitment to our community. We look forward to this transition and the exciting times ahead as we continue to grow with your support.
We are and always will be committed to protecting lives and property. Thank you for being a Falcon Security & Alarm Systems client and allowing us to provide you with PEACE of MIND.
Chris Izatt
General Manager, Falcon Security
Kristin Crowe
President, Alarm Systems