Take 5 With Tom Lafferty of Lafferty’s Crossing, Downtown Belleville
At Alarm Systems, we love to take opportunities to highlight our clients and their contributions to this community. This week we sat down with Tom Lafferty of Lafferty’s Crossing. Tom has been in the menswear industry for decades since he and a partner started Carson’s Menswear in 1976 in the Quinte Mall. Eventually, Carson’s would evolve into Lafferty’s Crossing and moved to downtown Belleville.
Lafferty’s Crossing prides itself as a full-service menswear store that offers the full gamut of clothing from socks to suits. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff help their customers find the right fit. It has been a challenging year for many small businesses but Tom’s focus on building relationships with his customers and giving back to the community has continued to be the driving force behind Lafferty’s Crossing.
An Interview with Tom Lafferty
What does it mean to be a small business owner in Belleville?
For Tom, being a small business owner is “more than just selling clothes”. He has built his business on respect for his clients and puts building relationships at the forefront of his business strategy. “It’s all about building relationships and it’s how you treat your clients and having respect for them. You give them the best value that you can for the money and still be able to continue your business, but it’s really all about building relationships and letting people know we really do care.”
Tom’s customers even influence his purchasing as he recounts making choices because he knows a specific client will look great in that piece.
If a man wants to look classy and neat in the office but a suit is too much, what would you recommend?
Tom has seen a drastic change in the last year to how men are dressing for work. In the age of remote work and Zoom meetings and one where many special occasions have been canceled, he has sold very few suits or sport coats. That being said, it doesn’t mean you still can’t look good at work.
“When you’re at the office, whether it’s in your home, or in on Zoom, you still have to have a bit of a professional look to it. Get a nice crisp what we call, woven or a button-down sport shirt. And make sure it’s well pressed. It’s something that’s modern, you know, a little hip to a little fun.”
It should be noted Tom recommends you still wear pants to your Zoom meeting, although the style is up to you.
I see you’ve had some fun with the Bernie Sanders meme placing him in and around Lafferty’s Crossings – if Bernie came to you for some style advice what would you tell him?
“Let’s just start over Bernie” Tom jokes. Although he notes that he has always been a fan of the down-to-earth politician, Tom does not approve of the inauguration outfit. “US fashion in general is very much the old plaids and the khaki pants and plain blue shirt and the plain red tie. There’s not a lot of flamboyance to it, whereas in Canada, we have more of the Quebec influence which is a little higher fashion. Guys are more comfortable wearing some color and some patterns and stuff like that. So Bernie would just be a rebuild from the bottom up.”
Memes tend to be a young person’s game, but you were on top of it. How does online technology impact your business?
Tom believes the internet is a valuable tool, and he has worked hard to learn how to leverage digital tools to connect with his customers. It is not always about selling a product, it is about getting his customer’s attention and engaging with them. From Bernie memes to instant sales, he is using online tools to build awareness.
In a way, it has become another way for Lafferty’s to build those customer relationships that are at the core of their business. “I think a lot of people see the online as a huge competitor that has a big advantage. I see it as the opposite way around and it all goes back to that building relationship sort of thing. The internet can do a lot of things but it can’t have a personal relationship with you.”
Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
“If it wasn’t my wife, it would be Michelle Pfeiffer. She has that glitter in her eye, I think she’d be a lot of fun.” Tom’s second choice would be comedy legend, John Candy. “He walks in a room and I laugh” Tom fondly recalled seeing the comedian once at a Montreal hotel years ago and how Candy’s laugh filled the room.
If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
“I’m not sure there is anything I’d like to have every day for the rest of my life but we had four children and we both worked and life was crazy busy and the go-to dinner at home was Shake and Bake Chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn.” Even though his family’s diets have changed over the years, this go-to meal has become a family favourite. It is a meal that brings with it fond memories to this day.
Thanks to Tom for taking the time to chat with us and for being part of the Alarm Systems family. Lafferty’s Crossing is open for business and they are conducting a massive winter sale to make way for their spring collection. Stop by and show a little love for a local