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Protecting homes and businesses
in South Eastern Ontario for 50 years

Personal Emergency Response Systems

PERS for Lone Workers

Protect your workers with GPS-enabled, two-way communicators that provide 24/7 peace of mind for remote workers.

Personal Emergency Response System For Workers

GPS Enabled

On-board GPS pin points worker location.


The rugged casing is shatter-resistant & water resistant for up to 30 minutes.

Fall Detection

Accurately detect falls and triggers an alarm even if the user is incapacitated. 

Two-Way Communication

Powerful duplex speakerphone allows for clear messaging.

Safety for Remote Workers

Delivering immediate two-way communication, even from remote locations and harsh environments. PERS provides hands-free, two-way voice calls in the event of a fall, giving confidence to workers that they are never truly alone in the field. 

PERS meets the challenges of employers monitoring lone workers, giving them reliable activity reporting and emergency updates. No matter the type of risk the job presents, 24-hour emergency communication provides the peace of mind every lone worker needs.

Personal Emergency Response System For Workers
On-board GPS helps emergency response teams pinpoint the user’s location to get them the help they need.


On-board GPS helps emergency response teams pinpoint the user’s location to get them the help they need.
Accurately senses falls. The device recognizes the difference between fall and a dropped device. 4 sensors provide added reliability and sensitivity.


Accurately senses falls. The device recognizes the difference between fall and a dropped device. 4 sensors provide added reliability and sensitivity.
Quick, two-way communication. Even if the user is unconscious or unable to reach the device. It allows the call center to assess the level of help they may need.


Quick, two-way communication. Even if the user is unconscious or unable to reach the device. It allows the call center to assess the level of help they may need.

Lone workers exist in nearly every industry

Hotel, Casino, and Other Service Industry Workers
Water & Waste Water Management
Electrical / Telephone Wire and Tower Workers
Real Estate Agents
In-Home Care Takers
Security Guards
Park Rangers
Private Contractors
Environmental Inspectors
Manufacturing Workers
Personal Emergency Response System For Workers


260 Adam Street
Belleville, ON  K8N 5S4

Monitoring Station

Five Diamond Certified Monitoring Station.


15 Central Ave E.
Brockville, ON  K6V 1W5