Should You have Your Security Cameras Serviced?
Security Camera maintenance may not be a top priority for many business owners, after all, ‘if it ain’t broke, why fix it’? But regular maintenance is important to the longevity and reliability of your cameras. Without regular and diligent maintenance – both ‘digital’ and physical – the quality of video images will start to erode, and the risks of failure increase.
Why Does My Camera system need maintenance?
The need for the ‘digital’ maintenance of surveillance cameras – specifically through the timely application of firmware and software upgrades – is well understood as being necessary to sustain and monitor performance, and for effective cybersecurity. However, the physical maintenance of surveillance cameras, which is no less important for peak performance, is often less rigorous. This can lead to degraded quality of video which can impact post-incident investigations and be costly.
Human operators can cope with views of scenes that are ‘good enough’ but necessary details may be lost when it is most critical. For today’s A.I.-powered cameras, the images are being ‘viewed’ in an entirely different way. Processing units look at data – whereas humans look at images – and the impact of unclear images can be huge. There’s no way for a processor to ‘see around’ a partially obscured view.
Make cameras part of your infrastructure maintenance plan.
You should add your cameras to your maintenance plan. This could include cleaning them as regularly as you have your windows cleaned to ensure a clear view, especially important for exterior cameras. Dirt build-up on a cameras’ casing can obscure details and spider webs, invisible during the day can become a problem at night when the camera’s infrared sensors hit them.
Regular reviews of your surveillance system are also important, especially if you don’t have someone assigned to review your cameras daily. There is nothing worse than an incident occurring and when you go to check the footage you discover the camera has been obscured or offline.
Things you should check for:
A security camera maintenance plan will help maintain the quality of your system. It may also be worth speaking to your supplier about a service plan. Have a technician inspect your cameras annually, to check cabling and other components are in proper working condition. This will help identify potential issues early and allow for pre-failure intervention.
Speak to a Security Consultant Today
Surveillance cameras represent a significant investment for any organization. Regular and effective physical maintenance is essential to ensure your investment remains reliable for the longest possible time. Speak to a security consultant today to learn about our camera service plans.