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Protecting homes and businesses
in South Eastern Ontario for 50 years

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Subscribing to our newsletter has a host of advantages. Firstly, it keeps you well-informed and educated about the ever-evolving landscape of security technology. By staying updated on the latest trends and innovations, you are better equipped to make informed decisions regarding the protection of your home or business. You’ll also be the first to know about offers and discounts.

We often include tips from experts about maximizing the efficacy of security products. From optimal placement strategies to maintenance guidelines, these insights enable users to create a comprehensive security setup tailored to their specific needs. In a world where security concerns loom large, subscribing to a reputable security system company’s newsletter is a proactive step towards safeguarding your property and loved ones. It grants access to a wealth of information, exclusive offers, and a supportive community focused on creating safer environments.


260 Adam Street
Belleville, ON  K8N 5S4

Monitoring Station

Five Diamond Certified Monitoring Station.


15 Central Ave E.
Brockville, ON  K6V 1W5