A Toy Under Every Tree
We are proud to announce our first-ever “A Toy Under Every Tree” campaign. Our goal is to ensure every child in the city has a magical Christmas.
A Toy Under Every Tree is in support of two exceptional community organizations that work to provide gifts for families in need. This year we are supporting the Belleville Professional Fire Fighters Association Toy Drive and The Children’s Foundation (Angel Tree Program).
How Can You Get Involved
The Belleville Professional Fire Fighters Association Toy Drive
We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys through December 17th in support of the Fire Fighters Association Toy Drive. The Toy Drive provides gifts for over 1500 Children in the Belleville area every Christmas.
“The Belleville Firefighters Toy Drive helps connect members of the community in need, with the generosity of those who want to help. Having businesses like Alarm Systems come forward with their Toy Under Every Tree campaign, is a crucial piece of that process and goes a long way towards helping us reach our goal.”
– Ryan Turcotte, Chair Belleville Professional Fire Fighters Association Toy Drive
We are touched by the support we have seen from both our team and the community. We delivered dozens of toys to the Fire Fighters Association Toy Drive on December 20th.

The Angel Tree Campaign
We have already been instrumental in helping the Angel Tree Program reach its goal this season. Nesda Technologies jumped at the chance to collect toys for the Firefighters Toy Drive while donating half of the remaining funds required for The Children’s Foundation in partnership with Alarm Systems.
Kim Henry, Executive Director of The Children’s Foundation says “We know that the effects of the pandemic are still being felt by families in our community. So many are struggling to provide even the basics, let alone what they need to create a special holiday. Thank you Alarm Systems and Nesda Technologies for opening your heart to the kids who need help. A Toy Under Every Tree is truly an amazing act of compassion and goes a long way to making sure no child will go without a gift under the tree this Christmas.”
The Angel Tree program is still accepting donations to continue its work.

Thank You to Our Partner Nesda Technologies
Thank you to Nesda Technologies for joining us to make the A Toy Under Every Tree initiative a success this holiday season.